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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Noble Nobel

The truth for today is about the Nobel prize. It is seemingly awarded to someone who has made a signigicant contribution to the world at large in some positive manner. Admirable I agree but that is not my focus. I mean yes, surely it is at the discretion of the Nobel committee to nominate and so on someone who fits their criteria and then the award is given but…. I wonder about that.

I am reminded of a part in The Matrix  Reloaded about programs- Loosely paraphrased it states something to the effect that the programs truly doing their jobs well, you never hear of. And that gets me to think about contributions to humanity. The people behind the scenes such as teachers, eccentric uncles, bizzare aunts and mothers. No offence to the other behind-the-sceners not mentioned. There are millions of people out there who go into making that Nobel winner great, that didn’t really affect the world at large directly but did so through what they imparted on this world changer.

As I conceded earlier, the Nobel committee is at their own discretion, if we want to award a prize to every do gooder we would need more than one, and more than a day and at the end of it all we would probably give the prize to everybody, because everyone affects someone in some significant way. Hold that thought. Why don’t we do that? We have a day in a year for all sorts of individuals and events, don’t get me started on 420 but why not have a day were everyone is appreciated. We could call it human day or something. Free drinks and food for everyone, invite a homeless man in, no murders and crimes on that day, no broadcasted news that’s negative. How good could that one day be.

Why must we only acknowledge greatness once a year and only of an individual. Why not everyone at least and maybe we could turn it into a week long thing. Just a thought. If you’re interested in forming a new committee to that end, ask me sometime. Truth, Oneness, Peace. Love.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Return To The Future

It has been  a while since my last post and to be honest I attribute that to a watering down of truth within me. Initially truths flowed like a spring and the more I tried to push it to the pace of social media the more I found myself unexpectedly concerned with what came out than with what was in. So can I say problem solved, truth is back? Maybe. Maybe because truth is everywhere and always around us. Am I the sole master or discerner and 'mentioner' of it, not at all. My truth is here with me, will it be truth to anyone else, well you be the judge...

The truth for today is this:

What is the nature of art in a world where everyone is producing or saying something profound? And that is to just ask of ubiquity, there is also the pace at which this is happening. Every second, I read a tweet, facebook status, instagram caption and marvel. Every second art is in motion. Gone are the days where you had to spend your entire life slaving for that one trip Rome or Paris to get arted up. Now google can take you there while you sit in your underwear in a dark room, for free.

The real interesting thing happens when you look at who the artists are. Anyone and everyone in a moment of brilliance, or should I say moments. I find myself now wondering if there will still be critics in the next 50 years. How do they critique a million comments a day? I guess everyone now plays the role of the critic but does that mean the most followed is the most artistic expression of the day. What of those things we are drawn to on a whim? Those cat memes for instance.

Maybe this is that old insecurity lingering from my own worry that I have become irrelevant. To slave over a book for years in the hopes that this will last throughout the ages as a great work. To take time to type this all out in perfect diction in the hopes that it will be up there old man plato. Does it still matter. Cant I just cough and click send and that should suffice as art?

The truth is that those days are gone. The truth is that this is a new age. The truth is that this is what that old man wanted all along. For everyone, everywhere to be able to express that which they were born to. To not have to claw and fight for attention but to share in the collective awareness that what is artistic is not individual but more an expression of what humanity is as a whole. As an artist, or more appropriately, as a human being there is a comfort in knowing that someone out there is doing or thinking the same thing as you. You are not alone. There are partners as well audiences out there. If you are in need of a partner ask me sometime? Better still if you need an audience link me up with your social addresses and I will support and follow you to the end of my days. Peace. Love. Truth