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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Here Goes Nothing...

Alright here goes nothing, my first post. what to say, what to say... Ahh! As i said in most places around this thing- truth and knowledge are the most important cornerstones of this corner's existance. With that said, this first post is not ultimately spontaneous or inspired but instead comes from a place called "about damn time!!" You see i just finished attempting to get published (self and free of course), more on that later, right now i would like to give a little background.
Right around the time i was 15 i began to write- stories, poems, songs, anything i could get my pen around i wrote about and as you can imagine hormones can make a young man very prolific. i wrote quite possibly a hundred stories and over a thousand poems and such, i wont explain why just yet (Ask me sometime) but i wrote it all by hand in this ominously black-covered notebacks which a carried around everywhere at the time.
But before i lose myself, fast forward 8 years and i had 30 or so of these black thingies and i was about to go to bangkok for the first time, ya i'm back there now (that's yet another story, ask me sometime). Being somewhat of a conceited smartass (at the time of course, i'm much better now) i thought why not book my flight from separate airlines so i can avoid the massive stop overs inbetween Zimbabwe and Thailand (Oh yeah i'm Zimbabwean, ask me sometime). So i had it sorted and had reduced my wait times in Johannesburg to an hour (J-burrrrrg is in South Africa for my challenged friends) and in Hong Kong to 2 hours. Perfect i had it all sussed. But then the curve ball happened, jolly trotting with my luggage which contained my black thingies which i knew would make me rich just from they're volume alone, i got on the first plane. Easy peazy flight only lasts about an hour.
In J-burrrrg it turns out i have nothing to be jolly trotting about. My flight had landed late and the other one had had early check in and so i had thirty minutes now to traverse a somewhat poorly designed airport (if you're in a rush) to get to the next one and i missed it. So what does smart-me-then do, nothing.... He comes right down and says oh well it was a good plan what's a night at the airport when you were caught pants down.
So Hong Kong was cool and no hitches, not so bad i thought till i went to get my black thingies, my wealth. Your luggage does not exist sir!! Excuse me!! Funny hahaha!! my black thingies are in there and i'd like to say i worked pretty hard on them. I repeat sir we have no record of you luggage, your tags are for a flight that doesn't exist. When you checked them through to a separate airline they must have done it wrong and left with them or left them behind its hard to tell now. And even if we knew were they were exactly we couldn't track them because stickers are out of wack. Sorry welcome to bangkok, hope you pack heavy in your carry on. I DO NOT. Ask me sometime
But the moral of all this is i lost my books, my words, my life's work, my struggle, and yes you guessed it my wealth. Who cares about the clothes and things, you can buy more or not but my black thingies. So for 10 years i've tried to piece back my ability to write, piece back my clothes and things of course, and my wealth hahahaha!! which brings us to today. My book of 10 years went on Amazon, Live tomorrow i think. Its called "Between Me & You- By Kelvin Tendere" Check it, buy it, love it, sleep with it, walk it and cherish it that's my baby who survived a fire (that's another story, ask me sometime). So i guess don't give up and stuff. Don't like ever thing its like the end, you know what i'm saying. Trust that little crazy voice in your head and the trees (Ask me sometime) and walk on. And while you're walking go to amazon tomorrow and buy my precious pretty first born. Ask me sometime... Truth

Smashwords has an advance edition if you really cannot wait till tomorrow. Truth

.Smashwords - Between Me & You

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