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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Words And Intentions

So tonight or today for some of you, i have no fancy links but just simple truth. I have been greatly concerned about the relationship between intention and statement. For instance, you wish to tell someone some bad news, what do you make your own energy out to be. Do you fell the negative too or do you fell positive? But that maybe to primitive a limitation to put up. I'm sure we have all watched the water experiments  about how certain words project certain energies to water bodies, if not here's a link... Water and thought.... so there you go, i do have one link in this post.

But what is of most import to me is, the thoughts and states we are in before we communicate something and how they affect the reception of the words that follow next. For instance as i write this i am in a state of mild relaxation and openness and i wonder if you will pick it up... Will it be any different to when i write this angry and frustrated. My theory posits that if i focus all the good energies and intentions as i write this then you will pick it up as you read my words.

So what I ask of you tonight is do not randomly speak... especially at important points of reference. Make sure you are in the right state of mind to give the message that you have as your burden. Maybe take a moment to think of who you are sending it to, maybe leave a hostile environment so  you can send this message otherwise this might carry. And the ramifications for me extend to music... to poetry... to books.... to movies. Do not just release your words.... Add or alter your intentions to suit your desired effect.... Respect the word. Truth.... Ask me sometime...


  1. This is an interesting subject for me. As a spiritual leader I deal almost entirely with words. I frequently must give teachings, prophecies and healings, and all these things involve the use of words.

    My most startling discovery is lately how even written words will frequently carry more weight than spoken words. For me when I write it's always well considered and with full intention. In this way I have found that people will even receive complex healing through written words.

    I have observed though that intensions, as you say, are greatly influenced by environment and the people around us. Sometimes strong positive intensions are greatly limited in their effectiveness by the presence of people who have a strong baised against what you believe.

    My question is, from your research on water experiments would you know the result of simultaneousl intensions being directed at the water crsytals i.e. if someone is speaking with negative intent and another is speaking with positive intent, what formation is seen in the water? My suspicion is that the positive would lose, but would lover to hear your take on their matter.

  2. That is a very good question, unfortunately Doctor Emoto did not conduct interelationary research, he was ultimately more focused on the singular. But I would argue that these images would only work with one intention, quite possibly the loudest.

    Now this brings about another beautiful question. What is the loudest? At this I say the chosen. If a choice has been made by the author of a message then nothing, NOTHING, can alter the intent transmitted to the recipients. However, if no choice is made then the universe will leave it open to any choice in the vicinity. Maybe the negative, maybe the recipient's opinion of the author. This is not something you want to leave to chance. And this would lead to the chaotic images that are noticed with negative intent. Choice+Intention+Perfect Receptive Impact...
